Oranges and Lemons 
Author: Julio Romero de Torres

The Gypsy Woman/ Victor Hugo

A few days ago, I was at the Mosque in Cordova, Spain. The impressive ceilings rest upon a forest of nine hundred marble-and-jasper columns crowned with semicircular arches made of alternating stripes of white stone and red brick. It rendered the massive nave stunning beauty. In 1236, the Christian Kingdom of Castile conquered the Andalusian […]

The Lady in Black/ Miguel de Cervantes

The Lady in Black/ Miguel de Cervantes

  The religious commemoration of the Holy Week just began in Cadiz, Spain. People jammed the streets to celebrate it. Floats with statues depicting different passages of Jesus’ life and death paraded through downtown. Lines of penitents dressed in robes and pointed hats preceded the images. Women in dark clothes and black veils and a […]