Badness in Women/ William Faulkner  


Spain April 20014 240


There’s not any such thing as a woman born bad, because they are all born bad, born with the badness in them. The thing is, to get them married before the badness comes to a natural head. But we try to make them conform to a system that says a woman can’t be married until she reaches a certain age. And nature don’t pay any attention to systems, let alone women paying any attention to them, or to anything. She just grew up too fast. She reached the point where the badness came to a head before the system said it was time for her to. I think they can’t help it. I have a daughter of my own, and I say that.

From “Hair”  by William Faulkner


How did Faulkner come up with the idea that a woman should get married before her natural badness catches up with her? I am sure we can make the same statement about men. We are not that different. Of course, we are all born with vices and virtues.  Some we retain and some we shed throughout our life. If you read my novel, “The Stranger’s Enigma,” you would learn that these qualities and wickedness remain alive in our dreams.  As I write in my book, “the war between good and evil, which embattles the human soul throughout our entire life, begins with their peaceful coexistence in the world of dreams.”