Premiere of “The Monarch’s Flight” on YouTube

Ebook: $ 2.99/ Paperback $12.99 until November 20, 2021// Join Louis Villalba for the premiere on November 18, 2021 at 11:00 AM ET

Salvador, a Mexican seminarian, abandons his studies to marry Rosa.In 1982, when the enamored couple expects their first child, their shop goes bankrupt. The loss urges him to migrate to the US. He promises to reunite his wife and their child with him as soon as possible.  On his way to an L station in Chicago, Salvador witnesses an assault on Elisa, a coworker. He rushes to her aid and suffers life-threatening knife wounds. Salvador falls in love with Elisa. But family duties and obedience to God prompt him to leave her and bring Rosa and their child to the US. Salvador fights an uphill battle to forget the other woman. Then, an unexpected occurrence rocks his marriage and religious faith and forces him to choose between Rosa and Elisa.